All Posts inComedy

Belle From ‘Beauty and The Beast’ Travels Through The Village During Corona Outbreak

01Apr 2020

We as a people have collectively agreed that April Fool's Day 2020 was cancelled. The current state of

Benito Skinner Perfectly Captures ‘Gossip Girl’ In His Hilarious Sketches

25Mar 2020

Don't ask why I'm on  I've seen comedic actor Skinner takes on several character roles throughout the sketches like:

Netflix Teases New Dave Chappelle Comedy Special ‘Sticks & Stones’

15Aug 2019

Beloved comedian The announcement for Chappelle's "Sticks & Stones" special came on Thursday, August 15 with some help

Funny Friday: What Happens When Everyone In The Horror Film Is Black?

26Apr 2019

It's a cliche in many horror films that the black people don't survive; if there are any in

Zack Morris Ruins Kelly’s Chances Of Getting With A Movie Star In NEW ‘Zack Morris is Trash’

25Apr 2018

This may come a few days late, but it's so ironically perfect because of the upload date that