Justin Bieber For Calvin Klein – You’re Welcome [PHOTOS]

07 Jan2015
2,095 5
Photo: Calvin Klein

Photo: Calvin Klein

Well, well, well, Happy New Year indeed!

Justin Bieber is the new face of Calvin Klein jeans and underwear for the fashion brands Spring 2015 campaign and the photos are HOT!

Alongside Supermodel Lara Stone, Justin Bieber strips down to his Calvins and puts on his infamous boo boo face pout throughout the black and white super sexy spread.

The photos and videos from the campaign were released on Tuesday after the official Calvin Klein Twitter page tweeted, “Drum roll… ,” along with a brief video of the 20-year-old playing the drums shirtless.

Now readers of GGB already knew I had a thing for JB and this new campaign just furthered proved it. He looks really good and it rivals fellow CK model Mark Wahlberg‘s campaign and that photo shoot Nick Jonas did last year. Got to love a shirtless, fit man in underwear.

Tell me what you think about Justin Bieber’s Calvin Klein spread below in the comments and try to keep it PG, or at least use clever innuendo.

Follow on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @glambergirlblog

Photo: Calvin Klein

Photo: Calvin Klein

Photo: Calvin Klein

Photo: Calvin Klein

In #mycalvins see more of my campaign at @calvinklein

Un vídeo publicado por Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) el

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