Ellen DeGeneres Sits Down With Little Boy Who Argued With Mom Linda Over Cupcakes [VIDEO]

18 Mar2014
40,232 14

When three-year old Mateo wants his cupcakes his will argue you down with cuteness until he gets them.

A viral video has taken over the internet catching the eyes of many including Ellen DeGeneres. Cute and funny kids; it was only a matter of time until Ellen caught wind of this.

Linda Beltran, mother of Mateo, uploaded a video to her YouTube channel of her adorable son arguing with her about being able to eat cupcakes at grandma’s house.

Photo: Instagram

Photo: Instagram

Mateo was arguing you can do anything at grandma’s house and wanted Linda to listen to him and “look it.” Linda wasn’t having any of that but had a hard time getting a word in with her debating son.

Well Mateo (Matthew in English) appeared on The Ellen Show and greatness happened!

Watch Ellen DeGeneres sit down with Mateo on The Ellen Show and the original hilarious video below.

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