TV Recap: ‘Girls’ Season 2, Episode 9

11 Mar2013
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Photo: HBO

Photo: HBO

Girls fans we are only ONE episode away from season 2 wrapping up and I can’t even believe it; it went by soooo fast!

Episode 9, “On All Fours,” was very comical to me and for many reasons but I read through my social networks and many beg to differ, they thought it was very depressing and lacked laughs, so let’s just run down the recap and I’ll let you decide.

The show surrounded Adam and his newly announced girlfriend Natalia (Shiri Appleby), Hannah’s anxiety over her e-book and her OCD shifting into full gear, Marnie really taking her singing seriously while figuring her life out and Shoshanna feeling really guilty about doing whatever she did with that doorman last episode.

Hannah has a meeting with her publisher that doesn’t go so well. He isn’t pleased with the draft copy of her e-book she sent over and asked if her hymen grew back. He wants Hannah to be uninhibited so Hannah attempts to rewrite it. During her rewrites in her apartment she gets a splinter in her butt and busts out one of her ear drums by sticking a Q tip in too far. Hannah calls her parents and they urge her to go to the emergency room. While there, Hannah has a mini emotional breakdown and tells the doctor she’s having troubles with her mental state due to her heavy anxiety. She also asks can she kept her bloody Q tip that’s removed from her ear.

Throughout the show she had no interaction with the other girls but she did randomly run into Adam after she left the hospital. From that encounter we discover Adam and Hannah aren’t “huggers” and there still is some feelings between these two. But let’s back track a bit with Adam. Things are going good with Adam and his girlfriend Natalia. They have sex for the first time, which is so not like the sex he usually had with Hannah. It’s very direct and sweet. Adam and Nat later go to a bar for her friend’s engagement party. You can tell Adam is very uncomfortable in the situation so as he gets some air he runs into Hannah. They have a brief convo and Adam drops the news that he has a girlfriend.

Upon going back in he has a drink clearly shaken by his encounter with Hannah. Nat and Adam later go back to his place which she finds “darker” than he is and mutters about it being “a filth.” Adam tells her to get on all fours and crawl to his bedroom. Now this is the Adam sex we’re use to. He picks her up and they proceed to have rough, raunchy sex that Nat doesn’t like at all. Adam asks Nat is she done with him after that.

Now to the good part! I feel Marnie and Shosh will always serve as comic relief in the show. Shosh is feeling guilty about cheating on Ray and either goes over the top to please him or avoid him all together. Marnie asks Ray to help her lay down a track and seems to be on good terms with Charlie now. He invites her to party for his company Forbid because their site received 20,000 MAU’s, monthly average users. At this party Shosh is super flirty with every guy, making Ray very jealous, and then Shosh confesses that she did something bad; she held the doorman’s hand, is that code for a handy j? Ray assures Shosh that he still loves her and that they’re fine.

Also at the party Marnie takes it upon herself to do her first public performance as a singer. She proceeds to sing a slowed down, dismal cover of Kanye West’s “Stronger.” Charlie is super concerned about her, drags her into an office and asks what going on with her. He tells Marnie she’s “flailing” and he never saw her like this before. Marnie ensures him she’s fine, is going on a journey and to not pity her; of course they hook up after this.

Hannah ended the show in her bathroom digging in her other ear with the bloody Q-tip. If we learned anything from this episode it’s about the nasty results from digging in your ear with a Q-tip. (“Nothing smaller than an elbow.”)

The season finale of Girls can be seen on HBO Sunday, March 17th at 9pm with episodes of the entire season available on HBO GO as soon after the new episodes air and on HBO On Demand.

P.S. Please get into Marnie (Allison Williams) singing a very depressed version of Kanye West’s “Stronger” that I absolutely LOVED!

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