Breaking Dawn Part 2 Snubbed By MTV Movie Awards

06 Mar2013
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Photo: Summit

Photo: Summit

OK, I’m sorry Glamberous Ones, but that one little paragraph I wrote about my disappointment in this year’s MTV Movie Awards nominations in my last post was just not enough. After reading articles and fan sites about “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2” being snubbed for the 2013 MTV Movie Awards, I realized I have so much more to say about this subject.

Now don’t get me wrong, I LOVE movies and I can appreciate all of them but I think MTV got it wrong this year, SO wrong. How, just how can you have programs like Teen MomCatfish, and Jersey Shore and want to nominate films like “Argo,” HONESTLY?, and “Life of Pi,” REALLY?! I think MTV is trying too hard to be mainstream and please everyone; know your target audience and cater to them. Trust me, they damn sure ain’t watching “Argo” or “Life of Pi.”

Another thing that’s bothering to me is MTV has been on “Twilight’s” ass for the past four films and now all of a sudden they’re acting like that franchise didn’t give that award show their best ratings ever? And can we please just talk about “Breaking Dawn Part 2” in itself for a minute. I know hardcore “Twilight” haters even had a “WTF moment” when Carlisle’s head got ripped off during that battle scene so for that to not even be considered is a problem. Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart didn’t even get nominated for Best Kiss; I mean did whoever was in charge of picking the noms have their eyes close during the movie? Lastly, I love Taylor Lautner, boy I do but to nominate him for something he hated most about the saga, taking his shirt off, is just forever immortalizing that stigma in people’s head about him; way to go MTV, top-notch. And again I ask, WHAT in the actual f*ck are these nominations?!

GIF: Tumblr

GIF: Tumblr

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