Kevin Hart as Quvenzhané Wallis on SNL

03 Mar2013
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Photo: NBC

Photo: NBC

First time host and Philadelphia native Kevin Hart served as host this past weekend for Saturday Night Live, SNL. The comedian turned actor received mixed reviews for his debut as host. Some called his performance “heartless” and complained about his seven minute plus monologue while others seemed to enjoy the show.

I personally don’t find Kevin Hart that funny but I did chuckle at a few of his sketches. His impersonation of young Oscar nominee Quvenzhané Wallis as the newly announced Pope was funny and his “Z Shirt” mock commercial did tickle my fancy as well. Did you watch this weekend? What did you think?

Check out Kevin Hart in the video below as Quvenzhané Wallis as the Pope.

Here’s another clip from Kevin Hart’s hosting gig that I found hilarious, “Z-Shirt.”

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