MTV’s Exclusive Look at Breaking Dawn Part 2

07 Sep2012
961 3

Where to start, where to start? After seeing MTV’s exclusive look of “Breaking Dawn Part 2” during the 2012 Video Music Awards my initial reaction was a little something like this…

excited gif Pictures, Images and Photos

Ok, maybe not AS dramatic but you get the point. In the trailer, also known as the best moments of my day, we get a fast paced synopsis of the November 16 film. From the sneak peek we know Irina told The Volturi about Renesmee, Bella is the best newborn ever, The Volturi are coming for The Cullens, The Cullens need witnesses, Jacob and his pack have never feared vampires, Edward and Bella make a bad ass fighting duo and the list goes on and on.

But can we please talk about how smoking HOT Bella is a vampire?! Like can you make someone more beautiful? What kind of CGI is that? And can we please discuss how f-ing adorable The Cullen family is? And The Cullens I’m referring to is Bella, Edward, and Renesmee. Like for real, thee best looking fictional family ever! And let’s not forget to mention that comical and yet kick ass martial arts move Edward and Bella did at the end of the trailer. How amazing are they fighting together!

If you missed it or simply want to see it again, check out the clip here Twihards! And get this; that wasn’t even the official trailer! Yahoo Movies will be debuting the trailer later on today. Be sure to check back with GGB with that post.

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