The Quest For Christian Grey!

18 Jun2012
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Ok, my obsession for “50 Shades of Grey” is slowly moving into overload. Although the books and upcoming films would never replace my obsession of Twi, it is a very and I mean VERY close second. I feel like the books have affected my psyche; I’m constantly having battles with my inner goddess, every time I bite my lip I think of what Mr. Grey would do and I’m adding funny signatures to my emails. This book is amazing!

Now the books are definitely in the works to becoming films so the quest for Christian Grey is ON! Much like the idea of Edward Cullen; all fans of the book have an image of Christian in our minds and below are my top choices for the beloved “50 Shades of fu@&-edness”

Matthew Bomer When I came across this pic of the “White Collar” actor I gasped and said, “OMG, It’s him,” literally. You can not tell me that this man is not Christian. Everything from that smoldering look, the phone and hair, I mean he’s a shoe in butttt if you look at other photos of Matt you may start to second guess this option BUT if he looks how he does in this pic in the film I’m all for it! P.S. take a look at his IMDb photo. *dies*

Ian Somerhalder Ian Somerhalder is a man on a mission! The “Vampire Diaries” actor  has been on a nonstop rant about how bad he wants the role of Christian Grey and has even gone as far as to start a campaign to get the role. But is Ian our Christian Grey? I mean he does have the look in my opinion. He has the sinister eyes and wild hair. He looks like he can turn on the charm and be sweet but then flip on you if you do one wrong move.

Robert Pattinson Now before I even get into this one I KNOW Robbie would NOT want to do another franchise; especially one as high-profile as this but let me play devil’s advocate here. Rob’s hot! And that is a key factor for Christian; women swoon at the sight of him, blush with direct eye contact and fumble when he utters a word to them and I believe Robbie can exude that power. He looks great in a suit and he had crazy, sex hair way before my man C came into the picture. But Robbie in the film is a pipe dream. *sigh*

I think all of these men could be great contenders but then again there could be some hot, young grey-eyed god with sex hair just waiting to be discovered and this role could be the thing to change his life and ours! I just can’t wait until actual production on the film takes places so us ladies can have some idea of the actual date when our ovaries will explode. If you read the books, who do you have in mind for Christian Grey?

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